So I joined a website recommended to me by Humber Hospital...
What a great site! There is SO MUCH information on there.. and not to mention some amazing people! The site is full of blogs, forums, tips and before and after pictures! People from all over... and also people that are very close to home which is nice!
I found out that there are support groups in my area that I can go to.. even now... not just after the surgery.. there are so many people on this journey.. at every stage.. and its sooo nice to know that I am not alone!
I was looking at all of the before and after pictures, and it is just amazing. For the most part you cant even tell they are the same people.. its such good encouragement!
(before and after pictures)
Everyone is so nice and willing to offer help. Im starting to get very excited and impatient so I like having this site to go on while Im waiting... Im trying to put things into practice now.. so Im not overwhelmed afterward.. but even the simplest things that we take for granted everyday are super hard to do! Like chewing my food... REALLY chewing it.. taking my time and stoping between bites... and sipping my drinks.. not gulping.. its not as easy as you might think lol
Anyway.. I just wanted to say how happy I am to be apart of that website!!!!
18 more days till I see the Dietitian.. and Im soo glad that my husband wants to be there with me.. I just hope I am able to find a babysitter so he can go! I should also have my last appointment with Dr. Hagen booked soon.. which means I should have my surgery date soon!
I will keep you posted!!!!