Sunday, 17 June 2012

One year Surgiversary :)

Friday was my one year anniversary of my Gastric Bypass surgery. I've been trying to find the right way to express what this year has meant to me but it's so hard to put into words! 

I can't believe how fast a year can go by! I remember how slow time went while I was waiting for my surgery. I spent so many hours researching it and talking to people who had it done. I remember looking longingly at other peoples before and after pictures wishing it was me... And now I have my own :) 

I have lost 155 pounds. I am no longer obese according to the BMI (now I am just over weight.) but I'll take that over super morbidly obese any day!!! I have reached my surgeons goal and I am 4 pounds away from my personal goal that I set for myself last year but I'm pretty happy where I'm at right now! 

 Before Pic - May 2011 - 334 pounds
After Pic - June 2012 - 180 pounds

It has been a LONG HARD year full of ups and downs... An emotional roller coaster you might say. There were many times when I thought I made the wrong choice because I was so sick. Times when I mourned the food I couldn't eat and times when I envied my family for the foods they could.  

Once I had my gall bladder taken out though, I started to feel better and realized that was most of the reason I was so sick. I felt much happier after that and my attitude changed for the better.   I have done so many things this past year that I never would have if I hadn't had RNY.  I have met so many wonderful people... Some in person, some online. The Bariatric Bad Girls Club has been amazing online support for me and through them I have made so many new friends. Ive said it before but its so nice to know that there are people out there who know EXACTLY what you are going through.  I got a tattoo to show that I will be a Bariatric Bad Girl for life :)

I'm more active then I have ever been. I never would have walked 10km before and I did it last month with my daughter without even breaking a sweat :)  My confidence has grown so much. 

I stand taller and take more pride in my appearance.  
Although I am finding it hard to lose the big girl mind frame!  I still buy clothes that are too big ( I am trying to learn to try things on).  I also still pull my seat belt out as far as possible hoping it will do up even though I know it will, and I still suck in and try to squeeze by people when there is at least 3 feet between us because I still think I'll bump them! And I still avoid sitting on plastic chairs and stools because I think I will break them lol 

I am dealing with the consequences of rapid weight loss and all of the loose skin. I don't like how my body looks but I can say I'm getting used to it.  When all is said and done I am happier now floppy skin and all :) 

I know I have repeated myself a few times here but I just wanted to recap everything.  I am not perfect and I have made mistakes. This is an on going learning process and I still have to take it one day at a time. I still eat too fast.. Sometimes too much and not always the right choices.. But I pay for it and I learn from it and I try to do better.  

I know my weight loss journey isn't over... Really just beginning but I couldn't have even gotten this far without my family and friends and their never ending support.   

I am so lucky to be surrounded by love and I am so thankful for this second chance.