Saturday, 27 August 2011

Aug 27 - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.

First.. the good!

I am down 60 pounds in just under 3 months.  I have been waiting to say this but I have finally lost the equivalent to an elephants penis LOL      I am down 3 pant sizes.  I had to get rid of all of my jeans... even my favorite pair because they just wouldn't stay on anymore!  I can cross my legs again... almost comfortably lol... but I can do it none the less...

The bad....

My hair is falling out like CRAZY!!!!!   Every morning I dread having my shower for fear of my hair coming out in handfuls.  I knew it was coming.. Ive read lots about it and I know it doesn't last forever and that it will grow back.. but it still freaks me out and I'm scared that I'm going to go bald... I may just have to start investing in wigs or bandannas!!!!

Also ... I tried an alcoholic drink.  I had a shot of vodka mixed with a glass of water and crystal light.  Only 56 calories.. no fat, no sugar, no carbs... but man did it ever hit me!  I felt fine after the first one... and I thought I could handle one more.. but I didn't even get half way through it before feeling completely drunk and passing out!!!   So I am definitely a very cheap drunk!  Not something I plan on repeating either.. I hate that feeling!

The ugly.

I haven't been feeling very good.  I will have one good day, where I can eat no problem... but then Ill have 2 or 3 days where its uncomfortable to even drink.  My pouch feels tight (normal I'm sure) and no matter how slow I eat and how much I chew it feels like it gets stuck and I can never finish.  It is really uncomfortable.  I hope it passes.. I hope its just part of the process.. because if not I'm going to be a really cranky Amy!!!!

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